Hello there! I've been off in hiding for a while, but I'm back again and ready to share some more sexy! The first, (and last), time I was here I brought you my opinion on one sexy man. I believe I referred to my weakness for ocular sex in that post. We're back on the subject today.

The eyes may be the window to the soul, but they can also serve as a doorway ... to the bedroom. If the largest sexual organ is the brain, the most expressive are definitely the eyes. Everyone has their own tastes, of course. These are a few pair of the sexiest famous eyes I know, in no particular order. See if you can guess who they belong to...

Don't cheat now! When you've made your guesses, the answers are in the next slide show. Have fun!

3/19/2013 06:13:28 pm

I couldn't figure out even 1 of them!! The windows to their souls were too damn small for me to climb through for enlightenment, lol

3/19/2013 07:25:45 pm

I managed to get one, Hallie Berry, but on the rest, I was floored. They are all gorgeous eyes, and yes eyes are the windows to the soul !

Coey Cain
3/20/2013 04:37:29 am

I was rockin' the females. The men were almost impossible for me. I only got a few of them.

3/20/2013 06:33:04 am

I got Hallie berry and Liz taylor. LOL


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      I've been writing most of my life, but never really shared my work until recently.
      I'm still a  student of writing, and likely always will be. If you want to learn about writing erotica, check my Education page. I'll share links there to articles and blogs I've found helpful.
      I'd rather use my blog to share the things that inspire me when I write. I hope you enjoy them, too.


    April 2013
    January 2013
    July 2012


    David Bowie
    Ocular Sex
    Writing Inspiration